Friday, December 16, 2011


I have talked about wanting to become a runner for a long time.
Everyone in my family and friend group has always laughed because of the stories of how much I hated running during my high school sports days.

Well reality has set in...

I signed up to run a half-marathon on April 28th with two of my very good friends.

As I wrote down the training schedule in my calendar for the next 4 months, I really started to wonder what I have gotten myself into.

In September, I started running.
It's now December and I'm able to run four miles.
At the end, I don't feel like I'm going to die, so that's a huge accomplishment for me.

But 13.1 miles?
It's a daunting task and it seems more and more scary the closer it gets.

I'm going to blog the journey...
Hopefully it will hold me accountable for my training and will be a fun way to document the process.

Ready, Set, Go